Random Sexting Made Safe

For men, women, and everyone in between, anonymous sexting can be a great way to boost your confidence, explore your sexuality, and maybe even make some money on the side. Just like any other human activity, however, it’s not all fun and giggles. If you are not careful, flirting with strangers online could quickly turn sour and put your safety at risk.

To make sure that doesn’t happen, you should follow the nine golden rules of discreet sexting. They will keep you safe, protect your privacy, and reduce awkward interactions to a minimum — and could even make everything a LOT more exciting

1. Never, EVER meet offline

We cannot stress this one enough. When you sext with strangers, you can never really know who they are — even if you’ve been texting someone for weeks or months on end. Not everyone out there has good intentions, and nothing attracts creeps quite like an anonymous sex chat room. So no matter how nice or hot you think your sexting partner might be, better stay on the safe side and never agree to meet them offline.

This rule is not just about safety, either. Virtual communication is often misleading and never gives us the full picture. Remember those sexy pics your partner sent you? How can you be sure it’s really them? Is the sexting going great and getting you all hot and bothered? Well, what if your chemistry is close to zero when you actually meet?

Take our word for it: instead of building up tons of suspense online to only get disappointed in real life, it’s best to keep some mystery in. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it and enjoy free anonymous sexting for what it is.

2. Don’t sext people you know

Oh dear. There’s just so much that could go wrong here. Your text messages and photos could make their way to other people you know. Screenshots of your lovely bottom might pop up in your auntie’s inbox. Emotions could also get in the way, making things way more complicated than any of you are willing to handle. And, perhaps worst of all, if you know who the other person is, but they have no idea who you are… boy, oh boy, will you be in trouble later.

The bottom line? Stick to sexting online with strangers — or take that hottie you know out on a real date.

3. Never disclose your location

You should always keep your location strictly confidential. That goes not just for your town or city but also for your state. And don’t even think about sharing your street address. Stalkers on the Internet abound, and you certainly don’t want to become the victim of one.

Furthermore, be vigilant and watch out for some underhanded tricks that stalkers may use to discover your location. For instance, they might ask you to give them access to your email account because theirs has been “hacked” and they need to send an urgent message. Alternatively, they might ask you to send them money or a hand-written letter or postcard; the postage stamps and return address on the envelope could give them a clue as to your location. They could also ask leading questions about where you went to school or college or what your favorite local eatery is.

4. Use an alias

Your real name is another key piece of information you want to keep to yourself. Instead, why not have some fun and pick a sexy alias that best suits your online alter ego?

Unleash your creativity and see where that takes you. Jane the hotel receptionist from Connecticut could become thigh-high-boots-wearing Lana, a sexy spy from Belarus. James the accountant from Minnesota could become tango-dancing champion Joaquín from Buenos Aires. The only limit is your imagination!

5. Cover up your tats, remove your piercings, and hide your hair color

If you have very distinctive tattoos, piercing, or hair color, you might want to hide them — especially if you are sexting people who might live in your area. Physical markers such as these can be used to track you down or identify you in public spaces.

Your tattoos and piercings probably mean a lot to you and make you feel sexy and empowered in real life. The good news is that, when it comes to online sexing, you don’t really need them to spice your game up. Instead, you can use costumes, props, wigs, stage makeup, or simply your killer date-night outfits. Create a character and play with it — you’d be pleasantly surprised how hot that can make you feel.

6. Be careful when sending pics or videos

While it’s much safer not to send any pics or videos of yourself, let’s face it — most of us will end up doing it at some point when sexting. That’s fine, as long as you take measures to protect your privacy.

First and foremost, never show your face. But don’t stop there. Before taking that selfie, look around the room to check that there are no telltale objects lying around: family photographs, your work uniform or ID badge, today’s mail with your name and address on it. In addition, make sure not to capture the view from your window, as it could reveal your location.

7. Don’t share details about your personal life

Sexting is not all about sex. In fact, many people use sexting to help them feel less lonely, make new friends, discuss common interests, or unwind after a long day. That’s all perfectly fine — as long as you don’t disclose too many details about your personal life. Online communication can lull us into a false sense of security and tempt us to let our guard down. However, even seemingly harmless details about your day-to-day could give away clues about your real-life identity, putting your safety at risk.

8. Use a VPN and incognito mode

When having sexy time online, you should always use a virtual private network or VPN. A VPN hides your computer’s IP address, which can be used to discover your identity and location.

In addition, it might be a good idea to use your web browser’s incognito mode. While that won’t conceal your location or hide the websites you visit from your boss or network provider, it will delete or disable any local data related to your browsing session. That includes your browsing history as well as cookies, temporary files, trackers, and third-party toolbars. This way, you will get to enjoy a safe and discreet sex chat.

9. Tell someone

If, despite all your precautions, something goes wrong, and you feel that your privacy or safety has been compromised — tell someone. That could be someone close to you or, if appropriate, the police or other competent authority. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.